JUST about all hail damage can be repaired with a process called paintless dent repair. it’s exactly how it sounds. repairing dents without having to paint. when a hail stone makes impact, it stretches the metal and changes the tension and compression that the panel originally had from the manufacturer. first step, removal of any trim that will allow us to gain access to the backside of the dent. then, we use an assortment of specialized tools, made specifically to massage out the damage, while maintaining your factory finish. Your trim is re-installed, the vehicle is cleaned, and now restored back to the condition it was in prior to the storm.


If you carry comprehensive coverage, then yes, you should definitely use your insurance to repair the hail damage. This is exactly why you pay for this coverage. Comprehensive coverage covers acts of nature that were out of your control.

BUT will making a claim raise my rates? great question, and we hear it all the time. in short, no. Texas law states that your insurance can not single out your individual policy and raise the rates because of a hail damage claim. the truth is, at the end of the year, whether you make a claim or not, everyones rates are increased across the board if there are catastrophes in the area that you live in.

So, if you are spending your hard earned income on protecting your investment, then get your money’s worth and repair the damage.


When it comes to payment of an insurance claim, your insurance will pay for the repair, less your deductible. For example, if your repair is going to cost $5000 and your deductible is $500, then the insurance will make a payment to the shop for $4500 and you would traditionally be responsible for the remaining $500.

but, there is good news for our legacy customers! we can help!

We are currently working on rebuilding our website and social media. this year we are making a concentrated effort to create a ton of YouTube content to help the community to see just how certain repairs and services are performed, and the value that is added to your vehicle with these services.

if you will allow us to use before and after photos, or any footage of us repairing your vehicle, then we will gladly compensate you!

For allowing us to use photos for social media or our website, we will issue a gift certificate to cover up to $500 of your deductible!

“Getting my hail damage repaired raised the value back up on my truck. The dealership wanted to devalue my investment by thousands of dollars at trade-in! Thank you Dean for helping me get out all that I have put in, to my truck!”

— Micheal Lockwood